Speech Tips

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Speeches come in various forms. You may need to inform, persuade, or entertain your audience. You may have had weeks or months to prepare, or you may have to give an impromptu speech with little or no time to gather your thoughts. You could give a speech to ten good friends or before thousands of strangers. You might be asked to speak at a wedding or a board meeting. The following are some tips you can use for any kind of speaking engagement.
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If it is appropriate to your topic and audience, using levity to begin a speech can help you and your audience to relax. By telling a joke or an amusing anecdote, you may find that you win your audience over in the first few minutes. People enjoy hearing stories, and when the stories are about the speaker, they can be particularly effective.
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As you plan your speech, make sure your examples are relevant to your topic. You should use examples that deal with the subject you are talking about. For example, if your speech is on pollution, you will want to give examples of how bad the water supply is or how poor the air quality has become, not tell how you burned a pizza in the oven last night. Also, make sure that you check the verity of any statements you make. You want to be accurate in what you say. Another way to support your statements is by using expert testimony. Find people who are authorities on your topic, and quote them to back up your views. Before you use those people as sources, find out what their credentials are and whether other people in the profession respect them.
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Think about the ramifications of your statements. What impact will your comments have on your listeners? Also beware of making derogatory statements. You shouldn’t belittle your listeners or make negative statements about gender, race, or other characteristics.
A technique that can make your speech vivid is visualization. Use words that will help listeners see what you are talking about. Describe the people and places that are important to your speech by using sensory details. Tell how something sounded, smelled, or tasted.
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Lastly, don’t forget a summation that covers your main points. Remember that your closing is your last chance to reach your audience. If there is something you want them to remember, tell them once again. Give your speech a sense of conclusion. Don’t leave your audience feeling that something is missing. Using these simple techniques can help you feel more confident any time you are asked to step up to the podium.

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